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Avi Goldberg is a California native and student in creative writing at a fine arts high school in Alabama. He is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of The Star Review, a public transit enthusiast, and a fierce Oxford comma advocate. He has been published in such journals as the Aura Literary Arts Review, the Cloudscent Journalfingers comma toes, and others. He can be found on Instagram @avigoldbrg.

Managing Editor


Ash Pierce is a senior at the Alabama School of Fine Arts and student in Creative Writing. They often work in short fiction and poetry but have an interest in exploring filmmaking. Common themes they write about revolve around nature, childhood, and religion; reconstructing memories to give them new meaning and finding what drives people to God. 

Prose Editor


Lily Wilson is a sophomore at the Alabama School of Fine Arts specializing in creative writing. She enjoys reading, gardening, photography and drinking excessive amounts of coffee in her free time. Her main goal in life is to have one reader who remembers her words long after they’ve read them.

Poetry Editor


Liam Little is a creative writing student at the Alabama School of Fine Arts. He works frequently with poetry, poetic prose, and regular prose - as well as film and other visual mediums. 

Photo credit: August Thaete-Corbalan

Art Editor


Abbey Dickey is a visual artist from Birmingham, Alabama. She attends the Alabama School of Fine Arts in the Visual Arts department. Her work showcases specific objects and symbols interconnected through memories. She uses distinct stories, phrases, and experiences to create works of art through a wide variety of mediums.


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