This concrete dent is choked with leaves from last Autumn and Winter and
now new vines from this Spring that wades deeper into the sea of heat,
nearing the drop-off into the uncharted depths of Summer. Only
memories remain of the chlorine - filled water that once lived in this pool,
rain lurking in the deep end, stained and battered and coated thickly with
slippery algae. Of course, frogs use their legs as paint brushes and
make artistic strokes across the deep end’s surface, bugs wriggle over the
dampened concrete, and something vaguely human floats half in the water
infused with earthy tints, and half rotting over mold and mildew like
an over ripened plum with its deteriorating flesh breaking down into a serum-y
pulp, pulling away from the skin and seeping through the spot the
fruit once used as its seat. The thing has been dead for quite some time,
the new residents suspect that it and the pool have history, that
they were once close friends when they were both new and vibrant and alive
and in the melting summers of their youth. They leave it there,
out of respect. They’re sure they’d like to be together in death, to
decay and dilapidate in harmony, to not be alone as the sun of their lives
sinks beyond the horizon. To be unburied in unison.